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Broken Nikon TE-PS100 Power Supply? Maybe Not.

Broken Nikon TE-PS100 Power Supply? Maybe Not.

Many users come across a used TE-PS100 power supply and find that it does not illuminate their microscope lamphouse. This leads to the conclusion that the electronics have gone bad and it is no longer working. While electronics can stop working over time, this isn't always the case. 

The TE-PS100 and TE2-PS100W are used to illuminate the 12V 100W halogen lamphouse on the inverted TE model microscopes. Both appear to be identical and they operate in the same fashion, but there is one major difference.

There is a port in the back for a cable that runs from the power supply to the back of the microscope. On the TE-PS100 model, this cable must be present and plugged into the power supply and the microscope in order for the lamp to operate, with the CTRL switch on the back panel in the "off" position. I have acquired some of these power supplies over the past that come with a "dummy" plug, in place of the cable.

This allows the power supply to operate if you are missing the cable that plugs into the microscope. The TE2-PS100 model does not require the cable or the dummy plug to operate the lamphouse. We have developed a replacement plug for this here.

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